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ITU Regional Forum for CIS and Europe “Strengthening Innovation Capabilities in the ICT-centric Ecosystem and Fostering the Growth of ICT Startups"

2017-03-13   Hits: 2203  Unique visitors: 1345

The Ministry of Information Technology and Communications will host in Chisinau on 28-29 March 2017 the Regional Forum of the International Telecommunication Union for Europe and CIS “Strengthening Innovation Capabilities in the ICT-centric Ecosystem and Fostering the Growth of ICT Startups".

The Forum will bring together the representatives of national administrations and decision makers, regulators, legislators, telecommunication operators, telecommunication equipment manufacturers, software developers, academia, civil society and other interested stakeholders, including development and funding agencies from CIS and Europe.

The purpose of the Forum is to provide a platform for strengthening regional cooperation, sharing experience and information regarding innovations and startups in the field of ICT, as well as for promoting constructive dialogue between representatives of governments international, regional and national organizations, ICT industry, and academia from Europe and CIS.

In particular, the Forum will cover the following topics:

  • Creation of ICT-centric innovation inclusive ecosystem;
  • Role of national, regional and international stakeholders in fostering the growth of startups in ICT sector;
  • Future technology developments: opportunities, challenges and business strategies;​
  • Strengthening of the entrepreneurial culture and business skills of all stakeholders;
  • Funding mechanisms for applied research, innovation and development;
  • Intellectual property protection;
  • Incorporation of innovation and entrepreneurship in the education system;
  • International cooperation to promote regional ICT innovations.

Draft agenda
Fellowship form
Invitation letter EN
Invitation letter RU
Practical information EN
Practical information RU
Registration form
Visa support form
Ministerul Tehnologiei Informației și Comunicațiilor
Sergiu Voitovschii,Şef-adjunct Direcţia relaţii externe şi integrare europeană
Tel.: +373 22 25 11 75
Email: [email protected]

Category: Evenimente Tags: TIC, ITU
Last updated:  28-03-2017 09:25:47


Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

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