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Scientific seminar with Czech experts

2017-10-02   Hits: 2399  Unique visitors: 1540

The Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of the ASM, in collaboration with Information Society Development Institute,  invites you to the Scientific Seminar with experts from the Czech Republic, to be held on Wednesday, October 4, 2017, at 10:00, office 340. 

Seminar Program:

1. Presentation of the participants:

  • Mgr. Vladimíra Hloušková
  • RNDr. Vratislav Datel, CSc.

2. Brief presentation on the Czech Republic (rapporteur: Vratislav Datel)
3. The Register of Metadata and their role in the Public Administration (based on the experience of the Czech Republic) (rapporteur: Vratislav Datel)
4. E-Government and Data Management (rapporteur: Vladimíra Hloušková)

During the seminar the Metadata Register of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) of the Czech Republic will be presented, as well as methods and procedures for developing and managing a Metadata Register.


Category: Evenimente Tags: seminar, IMI, IDSI-co-organizator
Last updated:  05-10-2017 21:50:15
Source:   ISDI 


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