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Identifying opportunities for Moldovan-Czech cooperation in the field of information society development

2015-07-06   Hits: 1565  Unique visitors: 971

Information Society Development Institute is building new collaborations. Recently, during the round table focused on Moldovan-Czech cooperation opportunities in the field of information society development, held at ISDI, researchers from the University of Technology in Brno, Faculty of Business and Management, Institute of Informatics, exchanged ideas with colleagues at ISDI, aiming to identify possible collaborative projects.

Dr. Bedřich Půža, director of the Institute of Informatics told us that the University of Brno is interested in collaborating with institutions in Moldova both in education and in research fields. The areas of interest include information technology, statistics, management etc.

The university is paying much attention to research on informatization processes in public administration activities. It develops strong international relationships with universities and various educational institutions both in the educational and research areas. The internationalization of these activities is considered to be the only way to develop strong and competitive institutions. The faculty is engaged in various international programs.

Category: Noutăţi IDSI Tags: colaborare bilaterala, Cehia
Last updated:  08-07-2015 11:42:26
Source:   IDSI 


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