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Training for ICT researchers within EXTEND project


On May 19, 2010, between 08:30 and 16:30, the Central Scientific Library "A. Lupan” (5A, Academiei str., Chisinau, Moldova) will host the Training Seminar organised by the European project EXTEND for stakeholders in ICT research and development. The aim of this Seminar is to train ICT research actors for participation in the EU Framework Program 7 (FP7). The folllowing topics will be discussed within the seminar:

  • Presentating the objectives of the FP7 ICT Work Programme
  • Funding opportunities
  • Information about future Open calls
  • Participation criteria
  • EU and national useful contacts
  • Guidance in preparing the project proposal
  • How to create successful consortia
  • Opportunities for participation in ICT projects (including the typical stages of the project)

The Training Seminar is part is part of the annual ICT Week in Moldova, taking place 17-23 May 2010.

If you wish to participate at the Training Seminar or need further information, please contact the National Contact Point for ICT, Ms Elena Zamsa at [email protected]

EXTEND Training presentations:

1. EU Funding for R&D: History and Overview
2. FP7: Overview
3. FP7: Instruments
4. When to go for funding?
5. Partnering in FP projects
6. Project lifecycle
7. FP7: Evaluation criteria
8. FP7: Call 6 (draft)
9. Project procedures
10. FP7: Guide for applicants
11. FP7: Work breakdown
12. EXTEND Helpdesk: Overview

Category: Noutăţi IDSI Tags:
Last updated:  02-09-2010 08:45:19

Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

Biblioteca Municipala B.P. Hasdeu

Asociaţia Bibliotecarilor din Republica Moldova

Biblioteca Nationala a Republicii Moldova