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Study visit in Slovakia

2015-10-12   Hits: 2021  Unique visitors: 1206

During October 5-9, 2015 a team of 5 persons from Moldova participated at a study visit in Slovakia. The group consisted of 3 public local servants (Orhei, Sîngerei, Hîncești) and 2 researchers from the Information Society Development Institute.

The study visit was organised by ISDI and its Slovak partner - proIS s.r.o, within the DISCUS project (Discussion on Information Society Building Issues Platform - funded under the International Visegrad Fund).

During the study tour the group visited 4 localities (Bratislava, Nitra, Viglas, Banska Bystrica), 15 institutions: ministries, state agencies, town halls, IT companies, S&T centres, museums, libraries, NGOs. Were presented approx. 20 presentations, including presentations of e-services, IT systems, educational soft etc.

Participants had the opportunity to discuss directly with It specialists, heads of departments, responsible for IT project implementation; they had shared their experience and established new contacts for future ideas exchange and collaborations.

The Moldovan group could observe how are organised public e-services using the national portal, functionalities of electronic systems in R&D field, they could understand the new concept of technologized museum, interactive library and GIS systems.

The participants at the study tour remained with positive impressions, but also with concrete ideas how they can implement local e-services, to improve their initiated systems or to increase the effectiveness of communication between citizens and administration.

The purpose of the study visit is the exchange of experience, the transfer of best practices from Slovakia to Moldova, establishing contacts and fostering collaboration on Information Society field (focusing on local electronic services). The main objective of these activities within the DISCUS project was observing the best Slovak practices by Moldovan servants and assimilation of lessons learned by Slovak local authorities in the local electronic services field.

Photogallery of the study visit is available here!

Participants presentations:
- Presentation of ISDI & DISCUS project - Anastasia Ştefaniţa, IDSI & Rodica Cujba,IDSI
- Presentation of  Hînceşti - Elena Moraru Toma, Rayonal Hall Hînceşti
- Presentation of Orhei - Igor Cernei, Town Hall Orhei
- Presentation of Sîngerei - Cristina Grejdieru, Rayonal Hall Sîngerei

Category: Noutăţi IDSI Tags: Visegrad, servicii publice, servicii electronice, IDSI, DISCUS
Last updated:  13-10-2015 10:10:34


Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

Biblioteca Municipala B.P. Hasdeu

Asociaţia Bibliotecarilor din Republica Moldova

Biblioteca Nationala a Republicii Moldova