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Study visit to Poland - a successful visit

2015-07-13   Hits: 2109  Unique visitors: 1322

On July 6-10, 2015, was organised a study visit in Poland within the DISCUS project, coordinated by Information Society Development Institute and funded under the International Visegrad Fund. A team of 5 persons from Moldova visited several cities from Poland:

1. Anastasia Ștefanița - Information Society Development Institute, responsible for international relations
2. Igor Plamădeală - Ialoveni District Council, Head of Public Administration Section
3. Lilia Golovatic - village hall Sărata Veche, specialist in writing and implementing projects
4. Igor Cernei - City Hall Orhei, IT Specialist
5. Cristina Smolenschi - City Hall Călărași, Specialist in management of public property

The purpose of the study visit was the exchange of experience, the transfer of best practices from Poland to Moldova, establishing contacts and fostering collaboration on Information Society field (focusing on local electronic services). The main objective of these activities within the DISCUS project is observing the best Polish practices by Moldovan servants and assimilation of lessons learned by Polish local authorities in the local electronic services field.

The study visit was organized by ISDI in collaboration with partner from Poland - Information Society Development Foundation.

The study tour program was an active one, comprising several public institutions, municipalities and meetings with specialists in various fields. Thus, on the first day of the visit, the participants visited the Information Society Development Foundation (FRSI) headquarters in Warsaw, where they met with Rafal Kramza - the president of the foundation. The participants became acquainted with programs and projects of FRSI in development libraries in Poland (2009-2015). Then followed the presentation of Mr. Paul Shmayda, GEOPOLIS, on municipal management - solution "smart city", Geographic Information System (GIS).

On Tuesday, the participants visited the Piotrkow Trybunalski city. They realized a tour in several public authorities, departments that provide public services. There were presented and analysed: document management systems; Piotrkow e-learning platform; GIS; operation "profiles of confidence" for communicating with the public authorities; Information Center. Also, the public library of Piotrkow was visited, which has new IT tools to communicate with readers and for book fund management.

On the third day of the visit, the team was at the Ministry of Justice in Poland, where they visited the IT department and courts records/registers. In the second part of the day they visited the City Hall of Zielonka. Besides meeting with the mayor, participants had the opportunity to talk to experts in ICT field. There were presented methods/tools of communication with citizens: SMS; e-mail; on-line broadcasts of meetings; web page of public documents etc.

On Thursday, the group went to Cracow where they had meetings in the Central Office of Malopolska Voivodship. In discussions with various specialists, Moldovan officials were able to learn more about video communication system of the institution with citizens; about e-learning system; Virtual museums in the region; electronic document management systems etc.

On Friday
, were held an assessment meeting of the study visit. Participants rated each activity and underlined the usefulness of discussions with various specialists. According to the evaluation questionnaires, each participant of the study visit managed to acquire some successful practices of Poland that they plan to implement in towns/ villages where they come from. In addition to theoretical knowledge, the participants at the study visit had the opportunity to talk directly with experts who have implemented concrete systems or even to test directly some IT tools.

expresses its appreciation and gratitude to the organizers from Poland - Information Society Development Foundation, as well as to the mayors, officials and experts who participated in the meetings of the study visit.

Photo gallery of the study visit in Poland!

Category: Noutăţi IDSI Tags: Polonia, DISCUS, biblioteca, Anastasia Ştefaniţa
Last updated:  14-07-2015 11:30:14


Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

Biblioteca Municipala B.P. Hasdeu

Asociaţia Bibliotecarilor din Republica Moldova

Biblioteca Nationala a Republicii Moldova