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36 Town Halls from Moldova gathered at the workshop on electronic local public services

2015-09-25   Hits: 2469  Unique visitors: 1311

On September 22-23, Chisinau hosted the workshop entitled Electronic Local Public Services. The event was attended by 55 people, among them 19 mayors, 2 deputy mayors, 5 secretaries of the local councils and 10 specialists of LPA coming from 27 villages, 6 towns and 14 rayons of Moldova.

The workshops was organised by theInformation Society Development Institute, as the coordinator of the projects DISCUS -  Discussion on Information Society Building Issues Platform, funded by the International Visegrad Fund

The welcome speeches were delivered by dr. Igor Cojocaru – director of Information Society Development Institute, Andrei Cușcă – deputy head of the Department of IT policies of the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications, dr.hab. Veaceslav Ursachi – coordinator of the Department of Engineering and Technological Sciences of the ASM, c.m. Constantin Gaindric – Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences of ASM.

The workshop had a practical character, the working teams were coordinated by 4 experts: 3 from Visegrad countries – Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic – and the national expert dr.hab. Anatol Gremalschi. The discussions focused on the Action plan for implementation of local electronic services. The workshop lasted one and a half days, participants having the possibility for networking, brainstorming of ideas and exchange of experience. 

Professor, dr.hab. Anatol Gremalschi, program director at Institute of Public Policies made a presentation of the research study compiled by DISCUS experts, based on the findings of the scientific seminar held on May 26-27, 2015 focused on ICT solutions for local services (legal regulations).

Another presentation during the event focused on the study visit in Poland (July 5-10, 2015). The aim of the visit was the exchange of experience, transfer of best practices from Poland to Moldova, networking and enhancing cooperation in the area of information society (focusing on local electronic services). Local public servants visited 4 towns in Poland, 10 institutions (local, regional and central level) where they attended over 20 presentations and were engaged in direct discussions with specialists.  They made a presentation, sharing the gained experience and the results of the study visit.  

Ion Coșuleanu, researcher at IDSI presented a set of recommendations on drawing up a plan of action for implementation of local electronic services. Based on the recommendations, the working teams (consisting of mayors, deputy mayors, secretaries of local councils and specialists) worked on developing action plans for implementation of local services, considered of high priority and common to several localities (e.g. issuance of certificates, cadastral extracts etc. )

The teams presented and evaluated their proposals based on the criteria explained by prof. Anatol Gremalschi. 

The presentations delivered during the event can be downloaded here:

- Presentation of DISCUS 2nd research study - Recommendations on public policies, regulations/ amendments for the relevant public authoritiesdr.hab. Anatol Gremalschi, Institute of Public Policies
Study visit to Poland, July 6-10, 2015 - Anastasia Ștefanița, Information Society Development Institute
Recommendations for developing an action plan Ion Coșuleanu, Information Society Development Institute
Guide for the practical exercise Ion Coșuleanu, Information Society Development Institute
Developing the action plan for local public services  - ing. Vladimir Benko, proIS s.r.o
Project presentation: Electronic services of the Minstry of Labour, Socia protection and family, Slovakia - ing. Vladimir Benko, proIS s.r.o

Photos from the event available here

The event was streamed online:

Category: Noutăţi IDSI Tags: e-servicii, e-guvernare, DISCUS, APL
Last updated:  28-09-2015 09:18:40


Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

Biblioteca Municipala B.P. Hasdeu

Asociaţia Bibliotecarilor din Republica Moldova

Biblioteca Nationala a Republicii Moldova