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DISCUSsion on Information Society Building Issues Platform

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DISCUSsion on Information Society Building Issues Platform 

Contract nr.



DISCUS is a project funded under the International Visegrad Fund


The DISCUS project aims at promoting the European model of effective application of information society policies/ e-Governance tools in Moldova to strengthen participation of academic sector, local government, business, civil society, mass-media in decision making process, using the experience of V4 countries. A special communication platform (periodic seminar on Information Society development issues) will be established to achieve the project goal and further facilitate political association with EU.


Expected impacts:
Local Public Authorities representatives will benefit through enhancing their institutional capacity for participation in the decision-making process on central level, study visits that will contribute to exchange of best-practices, as well as strengthening collaboration with V4 countries. The draft action plan for implementation of local e-services will boost the ICT-driven local development.
Policy making authorities will benefit from extended networking with representatives of academic sector, business, civil society, mass-media and V4 experts on Information Society development issues, reinforcing the effective application of information society policies and getting valuable feedback by means of Recommendations on
new/amended public policies, regulations based on V4 best practices.


Information Society Development Institute, Republic of Moldova

Information Society Development Foundation, Poland

proIS, s.r.o., Slovakia

DATAB consult s.r.o., Czech Republic


January - December 2015


Events organised within the project


1. Workshop for local public representatives and V4 experts on ICT-driven local development, Chisinau, 17-18.03.2015

2. Workshop for local public representatives and V4 experts on ICT-driven local development, Chisinau, 22-23.09.2015


1. Seminar with representatives of academic sector, government, business, civil society and V4 experts, Chisinau, 26-27.05.2015 (tbc)

2. Seminar with representatives of academic sector, government, business, civil society and V4 experts, Chisinau, 27-28.10.2015

Study visits:

1. Study visit to support knowledge transfer, collaboration and institutional capacity builiding to Poland, Warsaw, Poland, 1-5.06.2015

2. Study visit to support knowledge transfer, collaboration and institutional capacity builiding to Slovakia, Slovakia, 5-9.10.2015


Information Society Development Institute
5A Academiei Str.

Chisinau, MD-2028

Republic of Moldova

Phone: +373 22 289 839

E-mail: [email protected]



Last updated:  16-02-2015 15:12:13

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Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

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