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ISDI employee- grantee of the Kirkland Scholarships Program in Poland

2014-07-02   Hits: 2377  Unique visitors: 1238

During September 2013 - June 2014, Anastasia Stefanita, responsible for international relations at IDSI participated within the Lane Kirkland Scholarships Program in Warsaw, Poland. The Kirkland Program offers two-semester non-degree graduate studies and lasts 9,5 months. The Polish language courses organized in particular cities are also a fixed point of the academic program. During the academic year, the grantees participate four times in the integration and technical meetings that are held in different cities of affiliation.

Professional internships are organized by academic coordinators and advisors in the second term of the program. The majority of people decide to do 2- or 3-week internships, but there have also been cases of internships that lasted over a month, in a few different institutions.

The highlight of the Kirkland Program is writing and defending the diploma project. The diploma project consists of two term papers, which the grantees are obliged to write at the end of each semester.

Anastasia studied at Warsaw University (public administration department) and carried her internship at Information Society Development Foundation in Warsaw. The research topic of her diploma project was: Polish model of European integration in information society sphere (in polish: Polski model integracji europejskiej w dziedzinie rozwoju społeczeństwa informacyjnego). The main goal of the thesis was analyze of Poland’s good practices in the information society development process as well as comparative analyze between Moldova and Poland in this domain.

Anastasia Stefanita received in the end diploma of honor for the whole activity during the 2 semesters in Poland. Anastasia strongly recommends to Moldovan youth to participate in this program because it "is a unique experience in a European country that offers many experiences and new challenges."

More details about Lane Kirkland Scholarships Program please find here: or



Category: Noutăţi IDSI Tags: stagiere, programul Lane Kirkland, Polonia
Last updated:  03-07-2014 13:54:09
Source:   IDSI 


Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

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