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Kazakh experts visit to ISDI

2015-09-03   Hits: 1838  Unique visitors: 1020

  Today, September 3, at ISDI was organised a visit of the National Holding "Zerde" representatives from Kazakhstan: Tulemisov Talgat and Lan Evghenii. The study visit took place within the “ICT development in CIS countries”. ISDI director, dr. Igor Cojocaru, Ion Cosuleanu, drd. Mihai Grecu and Anastasia Stefanita talked about the development level of the ICT sector in Moldova with an emphasis on the situation in science and ISDI projects (information systems developed, DISCUS project, SCIFORM, involvement in decision making process etc.). The guests from Kazakhstan addressed a series of questions on the role of technology in various areas of society: education, culture, science etc. and cooperation of all institutions in the ICT sector.
  Specialists from "Zerde" aimed at ensuring that the visits organized in Chisinau, Minsk, Baku, Bishkek and discussions with key players in these capitals to produce a report / study "ICT developments in the CIS countries" that come with some joint recommendations for CIS countries.
   Tulemisov Talgat and Lan Evgeny are in a 3-day visit to Chisinau. ISDI was the second institution visited by the two experts, after e-Government Center.
  The "Zerde" Holding represents the largest Kazakh state company created for the development of modern information and communication technologies. The holding company was formed in September 2008 in accordance with the decision of the Government of Kazakhstan, which is the sole shareholder. Holding "Zerde" was created to promote and develop ICT market and innovative projects, creation of a single info-communication environment. Its mission is to promote an information society and a competitive ICT industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Category: Noutăţi IDSI Tags: TIC, Kazahstan
Last updated:  04-09-2015 10:09:58


Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

Biblioteca Municipala B.P. Hasdeu

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