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Happy Safer Internet Day!

2015-02-10   Hits: 2615  Unique visitors: 1259

Today more than 100 countries worldwide, including all 28 countries of the European Union, are celebrating Safer Internet Day (SID) for the twelfth
year running. Initiated under the European Commission’s Safer Internet Programme and now continuing under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) which funds Safer Internet Centres in the member states, the day marks an annual opportunity to engage in making the internet a safer and better place for our children and young people.
Coordinated by European Schoolnet and INHOPE (the International Association of Internet Hotlines), in close partnership with the European network of Safer Internet Centres, Safer Internet Day has grown tremendously to reach over 52.2 million people worldwide throughout the 2014 campaign period. The theme of Safer Internet Day 2015 is once again “Let’s create a better internet together”, inviting children and young people, parents and carers, teachers and educators, or industry and politicians to work together to build a better internet for all.

Although Moldova is not part of the European network, during last years were organized several initiatives to strengthen efforts to promote online safety.More organizations from Moldova in information society field regularly promotes public information messages on safety in the online environment.

In this context, ISDI director, dr. Igor Cojocaru was invited and participated on 10 February, at the radio show LOC DE DIALOG at TRM.

Category: Noutăţi TIC Internaţional Tags: Safer Internet Day, Internet, INSAFE, Igor Cojocaru, emisiune radio, 2015
Last updated:  23-02-2015 14:14:29
Source:   INSAFE


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