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Study visit to Slovakia: October 5 - 9, 2015

2015-09-07   Hits: 2112  Unique visitors: 1111

Information Society Development Instituteannounces the next DISCUS project activity - study visit to Slovakia in October! The study visit will last five days: from 5 to 9 October 2015 and will take place mainly in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. The team that will visit Slovakia will consist of five people, including one person - coordinator from ISDI, a specialist from IDSI and 3 people - local public representatives from Moldova.

The purpose of the study visit is the exchange of experience, the transfer of best practices from Slovakia to Moldova, establishing contacts and fostering collaboration on Information Society field (focusing on local electronic services). The main objective of these activities within the DISCUS project is observing the best Slovak practices by Moldovan servants and assimilation of lessons learned by Polish local authorities in the local electronic services field. The organizers of the study visit aim that after return from Slovakia, the Moldovan local public officials could manage to put into practice the knowledge acquired to propose concrete ideas for future projects and activities to implement electronic services at the local level.

To apply for a study visit please fill in the application form which is available here!  and to send it by e-mail to: [email protected] no later than 11 September 2015.

The participants selected to participate at the study visit to Slovakia will be notified individually by e-mail or phone before the date of September 18, 2015.

Transport costs Chisinau-Bratislava-Chisinau and the cost of accommodation, meals etc.  will be covered by DISCUS project, which is funded by the International Visegrad Fund.

the study visit is organised by Information Society Development Institute in collaboration with the Slovak partner - proIS.

Come with us in Slovakia, to discover the success of local e-services!

Category: Noutăţi IDSI Tags: DISCUS
Last updated:  09-09-2015 09:37:17


Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

Biblioteca Municipala B.P. Hasdeu

Asociaţia Bibliotecarilor din Republica Moldova

Biblioteca Nationala a Republicii Moldova