The 2016 edition of the annual Conference on Mathematical Foundations of Informatics is aimed at bringing together the researchers from East and West Europe, as well as researchers worldwide, and adding synergy to their endeavors to lay down the mathematical foundations for computer science, also known as informatics. Round tables are planned to ensure an open debate on the state of the art and new directions of research and cooperation, as well as on the action items required for renaissance of research on this domain in East Europe. The previous edition can be found here\workshop2015.
All the accepted papers will be published in Proceedings of the Conference, which will be handed over to the participants on the first day of the conference. The selected papers will be also published after the conference in the CSJM (Computer Science Journal of Moldova – indexed in Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt MATH, MathSciNet, DBLP, DOAJ, EBSCO) or in the Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, ser. Mathematics (indexed in Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt MATH, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), Russian RZh Matematika).
The sponsors will offer two prizes for two best papers of young researchers - one for a pure mathematical treatment, and the other for a treatment which has or is promising to have applications to natural language processing. Other prizes may be offered based on new sponsors to join. The prize winner papers will be marked up in Proceedings. The information about prize winners and interviews with them will be published in mass-media and a CD with this data will be handed over to the winners.
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