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Digital Assembly 2017 "Digital Europe: Investing in the Future"

2017-06-16   Hits: 1732  Unique visitors: 1073

Digital Assembly 2017 will take place on 15 and 16 June in Valletta, Malta. It is an event co-organised by the European Commission and the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Digital Assembly 2017 #da17eu ris an opportunity for stakeholders to debate, take stock and look ahead at how Europe and how its partners around the world are preparing for this digital transformation. It will also be an opportunity to have a dialogue on the benefits of the Digital Union for citizens with a special focus on our younger generations.

 The event is setting a successful milestone, as roaming charges in the European Union will no longer apply from 15 June 2017. The end of roaming charges is a true European success story. From now on, citizens who travel within the EU will be able to call, text and connect on their mobile devices at the same price as they pay at home.

The Digital Assembly kicked off with a high-level opening ceremony and international panel discussions. On Friday 16 June, four thematic working sessions will focus on the key priorities:
• Data economy
• New digital opportunities
• Cybersecurity and Internet of Things
• Digital transformation

The Digital Assembly includes several workshops, useful to understand and clarify several EU Policies: 
Next Generation Internet
Interoperability and standardisation
International connectivity 
European Broadband Fund
Data economy

The entire event is webstreamed on the YouTube Digital Single Market channel.

On the morning of June 15, the H2020 ICT Committee meeting was organized. It was attended by ISDI director, dr. Igor Cojocaru as the national representative. The event focused on H2020 LEIT-ICT Work Programme 2018-2020.

Category: Noutăţi IDSI Tags: TIC, roaming, interoperabilitate, Igor Cojocaru, digital single market, digital assembly, data economy, conferinta internationala, Comisia Europeană
Last updated:  16-06-2017 14:00:10
Source:   IDSI 


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