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Round table „Internal and international visibility of digital scientific content”

2017-10-28   Hits: 1664  Unique visitors: 1123

On October 26, 2017, a round table on "The Internal and International Visibility of Digital Scientific Content" was organised by Information Society Development Institute (IDSI), in partnership with the State University of Moldova (USM), the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova and the REM Consortium (Electronic Resources for Moldova), EIFL-OA Moldova Program. The round table was held in the framework of the 10th edition of the Open Access Week. The topic of this year's Open Access International Week is "Open in order ...".

The purpose of the event was to explore the emerging challenges and opportunities related to the new Open Science paradigm that Moldovan scientific community is facing, as well as to identify ways to stimulate and assist users enabling them to harness digital scientific content and increase its domestic and international visibility.

The event was opened by dr. Igor Cojocaru, IDSI Director, who thanked his colleagues for contribution to the good organization of the event, because in the digital space producing an impact is possible only through joint efforts. Dr. Cojocaru mentioned that the event takes place in the framework of IDSI institutional project SCIFORM „Pilot platform for quality assurance and visualisation of digitised scientific content from the Republic of Moldova”. He also presented the updated information on the National Bibliometric Instrument - IBN, OA repository of national scientific publications, which includes 105 journals, out of which 54 are accredited journals, 19 are OA journals registered in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), 53,000 OA articles and over 100,000 unique visitors.

The event was attended by the President of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM), acad. Gheorghe Duca, rector of the Academy of Economic Studies acad. Grigore Belostecinic, general director of the Intellectual Property Agency, dr. Lilia Bolocan, as well as representatives of the R&D organisations, universities, national libraries and archives.

ASM president underlined the role of IDSI in developing relevant instruments for enabling the acces to scientific information, as well as its contribution to increasing the visibility of research results in national and international environment.

During the round table were presented several reports that addressed the topic of Open Access in the context of Open Science, the visibility of scientific publications of Moldovan researchers, open data management, copyright in the digital environment, as well as other topics such as information support of research and innovation, ways of stimulating and assisting users to capitalize on digital scientific content; support for OA publishing; promoting open research culture, etc.


Category: Noutăţi IDSI Tags: SciForm, masă rotundă, continut digital, acces deschis
Last updated:  07-11-2017 13:25:18
Source:   IDSI 


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