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COST Action - European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities

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ENRESSH - European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities 

Contract nr.
COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology  

The “European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities” is a COST Action, starting in April 2016 and ending in April 2020. Proposed by a group of some 20 researchers from 16 countries, it currently brings together more than 125 participants from 36 countries.

ENRESSH aims to propose clear best practices in the field of SSH research evaluation. The Action brings together numerous experts, such as researchers in evaluation studies, policy makers and members of evaluation units, as well as researchers from SSH disciplines. Its approach is based on the comparison and the cross fertilisation of strands of work dedicated to SSH research evaluation, currently under development in different parts of Europe, seeking to avoid unnecessary duplication and to upscale results.

Its main aims, deeply interrelated, are:
• to improve evaluation procedures in order to take into account the diversity and the wealth of SSH research;
• to make a robust case for the ways in which the SSH add value to the society;
• to help SSH scholars better appropriate their research agenda and overcome fragmentation.

During the subsequent years, the project team will organize conferences, workshops and meetings to bridge the gap between scholars in SSH research evaluation, research managers and policy makers.

125 participants from 36 countries 

aprilie 2016 - aprilie 2020
IDSI is one of the ENRESSH participants, from COST Near Neighbour Countries.
In 2017 IDSI participated in a survey carried out by COST on European Databases and Repositories for Social Sciences and Humanities Research Output.
In July 2017, the results of the study were published in a Report on European Databases and Repositories for Social Sciences and Humanities Research Output, available on the ENRESSH action website, as well as EuroCRIS.
The report includes information on IBN - National Bibliometric Instrument, the biggest Open Access electronic library of articles published in national scientific journals from the Republic of Moldova for 1993-2018


Last updated:  28-04-2018 16:00:53
Source:   IDSI 

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