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Open Science in Moldova

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Promoting Open Science in Moldova

The need to promote Open Science (OS) in the Republic of Moldova is determined by:

1) The transition to OS is an official policy of the European Union (EU) and the Republic of Moldova has declared its intention to integrate into the European Research Area (ERA).

Most strategic documents of the EU related to the development of research and innovation recognize and promote Open Science. The Moldova-EU agreement on Moldova's participation in the EU Framework Program HORIZON 2020 (ratified by Law nr.142 of 17.07.2014) aims to align the national research activities to EU requirements. Under the Association Agreement between RM and the EU (ratified by Law nr.112 of 02.07.2014), chapter 18, art. 99 (c) provides for "encouraging and promoting the implementation of ICT tools for better governance, e-learning and research, digitization of cultural heritage, development of digital content". The crucial importance of Open Science for Europe is also emphasized by the Amsterdam Call for Action on Open Science. The document sets out 2 targets for 2020: 1) full open access to all scientific publications, which can be accelerated by new publishing models; and 2) a new approach to optimal re-use of research data that requires definitions, standards and infrastructures. At the European Council on 26-27 May 2016, EU countries reached OS agreements, including provisions on research data, that should be reused and accessible under the "as open as possible, as closed as necessary” principle.

2) The Open Science concept radically changes the way research is performed and its lack of implementation in the Republic of Moldova will make national science non-competitive.

Open Science is a systemic change in the way research is performed: it affects the way research is carried out and all its actors, it boosts science by facilitating greater transparency, openness, interconnection, collaboration and refocuses research from the "publish or perish" paradigm towards distributed knowledge. It influences the full research cycle - from selecting research topics, carrying out research to using and reusing the research results - as well as all actors and activities involved. The scientific organisations, the way of disseminating and evaluating knowledge are affected, including the emergence of new scientific disciplines, innovative publishing processes, the more active use of scientific blogs and a new way of assessing research quality and impact.

3) The legislation of the Republic of Moldova includes certain Open Science elements to be implemented

The Code on Science and Innovation of the Republic of Moldova (nr. 259 of 15.07.2004) has provisions on access to scientific information. The State, in accordance with the legislation in force, guarantees: support by ensuring access to information by disseminating it (Article 63); information support of the science and innovation actors (Article 66); the right to free and non-discriminatory access to the scientific and technological information resources (Article 116). The RDI strategy of the Republic of Moldova to 2020 sets as its goal the development of human, institutional and infrastructure capacities and the Action Plan of the Strategy envisages the elaboration of a roadmap for the development of the national RDI infrastructure by 2020 and its connection to relevant EU networks.

Open Science in Moldova 

Ways to Promote Open Science in the Republic of Moldova

At present, a national strategy or policy recommendations for Open Science promotion and implementation are needed, because the separate actions undertaken are not concerted. The main elements to be taken into account by Moldovan decision-makers related to promoting OS are, in our opinion, the following:

• Adopting OS principles in the national RDI system;

• Adopting a National OS Strategy, a clear action plan with yearly targets;

• Supporting the costs of OS, including for development and maintenance of comprehensive and transparent IT systems for information collection and exchange;

• Supporting relevant e-Infrastructure (hardware, computing, storage, software, services, governance, etc.) through an infrastructure ecosystem;

• Modifying evaluation and reward systems in line with OS objectives, including introduction of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and the Leiden Manifesto into the national assessment system, exploring the use of alternative metrics to capture the impact of research results on society;

• Establishing a monitoring system for progress registered in OS promotion and a specialized analytical-information center.

Last updated:  07-10-2017 16:58:27
Source:   IDSI 

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