ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 & ISO/IEC 27001 certified

Pilot platform for quality assurance and visualisation of digitised scientific content of the Republic of Moldova

Hits: 2802  Unique visitors: 1482

Code                      15.817.06.13A

Duration                2015 - 2019

Project manager  dr. Igor Cojocaru 

Project keywords

digital content, open access, quality management, informatic support, interoperability, European standards, scientics

Project abstract

The project is aimed at boosting the information society development in the Republic of Moldova, through creating a pilot-platform for the integrated quality management of the domestic scientific content and ensuring its visibility. The pilot-platform will integrate data flows and repositories on foreseen R&D output versus the actual one; informational articulation will be completed between the creation phase and the publication phase of resulting digital content. Computerised support will be thus provided to applying quality-oriented criteria in decision-making regarding R&D financing and in evaluting the impact of published results across scholarly literature. The project entails the coupling of the platform to the governmental interoperability framework and also the implementation of certain GEANT services. The project will use upper generation solutions such Service-opriented Architecture (SOA), compatibility with relational (MSSQL, Oracle, MySQL etc.) and non-relational databases, file consumers XML, CSV, Excel etc.

The project’s beneficiaries range includes the country’s scientific and educational community (researchers, teaching staff and students) and institutions in charge with science policy and resource allocation. Members of the country’s scientific and educational community and their project teams will benefit from open access to publications and computerised support for preparing R&D project proposals; institutions that govern the R&D&I system will benefit from computerised support for quality assessment of R&D project proposals and impact assessment of domestic publications through bibliometric şi webometric analysis.

The project is grounded in specific provisions regarding the information society development in the Republic of Moldova, as stipulated in the Association Agreement between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova (chapter 18) and in the relevant national strategies: the “Digital Moldova 2020” (pillar II – digital content and electronic services), the Strategy for research and development till 2020 (section 5: providing informatic support for project evaluation; digital content creation based upon scientific research results and their dissemination through IT&C means) and the National Program for the informatisation of the culture sphere through 2012-2020 (section 2: digitising tangible and intangible cultural heritage).


Last updated:  26-09-2019 23:17:15
Source:   IDSI 

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