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"Cloud Technology for e-Government and beyond" - policy training event organised by SEERA-EI project


The first policy training event organised in the framework of SEERA-EI project entitled "Cloud technology for e-Government and beyond" took place in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, on 13 April 2011, at 14:00. The purpose of this event was the sharing of knowledge and practices in Cloud compuitng in South East Europe, as well as strengthenig the regional collaboration to create a common regional vision and strategy for development and use of e-infrastructure to boost R&D activities and e-government services.

The event was attended by representatives of relevant ministries from South Eastern Europe, who are involved in decision making for development, management and implementation of national e-infrastructure programs. The event is part of a series of workshops organized by the EC project "SEER-EI - South East European Area for eInfrastructures" funded by 7th Framework Programme 7 for Research and Technological Development.

The event was attended by over 40 representatives from ministries, academia and business environment in ICT form Moldova (ASM, Information Society Development Institute, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, RENAM, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Agriculture, Center for Special Telecommunications, Technical University of Moldova, State University, Academy of Economic Studies, National Center for Healthcare Management, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, etc.), but also representatives of the SEERA-EI project consortium.

The presentations given at the event focused on cloud computing initiatives and their use both for e-government, as well as eInfrastructures. The presentation provided by Mr. Turcan, representative of E-government Center form Moldova, has aroused particular interest, both from the local participants and those form abroad. The practices and relevant experience of project partners from Turkey, Bulgaria and Greece also proved to be of great value.

Policy training workshop presentations:

1. Cloud computing: an insight (Aneta Karaivanova, IICT- Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

2. The Cloud components in the Bulgarian eGovernment IT Strategy 2011-2015 (Mr. Ivan Stanev, MTITC, “Electronic governance” directorate, Bulgaria)

3. Cloud and distributed computing services for support of Research & Development in Turkey (Ebru Basak, TUBITAK, Turkey)

4. Cloud computing initiatives in Greece – eScience and eGovernment (Ognjen Prnjat, GRNET, Greece)


Category: Evenimente Tags: SEERA-EI, PC7, IDSI, eInfrastructura, ASM
Last updated:  15-02-2012 08:49:03

Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

Biblioteca Municipala B.P. Hasdeu

Asociaţia Bibliotecarilor din Republica Moldova

Biblioteca Nationala a Republicii Moldova