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The online Platform for recording, monitoring and reporting scientific events in the Republic of Moldova

Hits: 156  Unique visitors: 151

Code                        21.70105.39ȘD 

Duration                     2021-2022

Project manager   dr. hab., conf.cer. Vitalie Minciună

Summary of the project

The online Platform for recording, monitoring and reporting scientific events in the Republic of Moldova (Platform) was developed - For its implementation, the Regulation on the recognition, classification and record of scientific manifestations was modified and presented in a new version, which was approved by the CC decision of ANACEC No 5 of January 28, 2022. Thus, the eligibility requirements for scientific events were reviewed, the standards established in relation to the types and categories of scientific events and certain normative provisions with reference to the registration and reporting of scientific events using the Platform were set forth.

With the help of platform users, the Guide on the registration of scientific events on the "Scientific Events in the Republic of Moldova" online platform was developed. The guide explains how to create a digital account on the Platform: registering information about planned events and submitting information about organized events - reporting. The method of uploading the data of the video recordings and the compilations edited following the organized events is also exposed, as well as the ways of solving possible problems.

After assessing the feasibility of the Platform and removing the identified shortcomings, based on 60 events recorded in the system by the project collaborators, on March 24, 2022, the webinar was organized with the generic Launch of the Online Platform for recording, monitoring and reporting scientific events in the Republic of Moldova. The event was attended by about 100 participants, representatives of organizations in the fields of research and innovation, responsible for organizing, recording and/or reporting scientific events. The participants of the event were familiarized with the changes made in the normative acts regarding scientific events, the functionalities of the Platform and the method of registration and reporting of scientific events.

The platform has been loaded with digitized content and based on the retrieved data (and implemented functionalities), it generates, in real time, several informative resources and transfers data to other platforms managed by IDSI (IBN, EXPERT on-line):

Thus, by this moment, the Platform has received data on 372 scientific events expected for 2022, including: 5 congresses (3 - international), 15 symposia (8 - international), 176 scientific conferences (70 – international); but also 213 of events expected for the year 2023, including: 2 congresses (international), 9 symposia (5 - international), 123 scientific conferences (53 - international). We also mention that the events expected for the year 2023 can still be submitted throughout the year, complying with the regulatory registration terms and conditions.

Based on the data generated by the platform, in the year 20222, 60% of the total number of planned scientific congresses, 67% – of the total number of planned scientific symposia and 76%– of the total number of planned scientific conferences were organized.

The events organized in 2022 were viewed on the Platform 83502 times and downloaded 805 times.

Last updated:  25-04-2023 16:03:22
Source:    IDSI

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