Summer School “Open Access and Open Sources for Librarians” has held on 3-10 July 2016 in the Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania, Faculty of Product Design and Environment-DPM. The event was organized within the Project „Modernization of academic library services in Moldova” funded by the Norwegian Cooperation Programme in Higher Education with Eurasia, developed in partnership between 18 university libraries from Republic of Moldova, University of Bergen, Norway and Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania.
Monday, July 4, 2016
Streamed live on
Opening address and welcome from Transilvania University: Vice rector, Prof.dr. Liliana ROGOZEA; Library director, conf.dr. Mihai IGNAT; Sociology and Communication Faculty Dean, Prof.dr. Claudiu COMAN; DPM Dean, Codruța JALIU; DMM Head of Department Luciana CRISTEA. Greetings of Project coordinators: Silvia GHINCULOV, dr., director of the Scientific Library of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova and Ane LANDØY, University of Bergen, Norway.
Project partner presentation regarding progress of Open Access:
Natalia CHERADI, dr., Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
The level of implementation of Open Access in Moldova
Irina CERNEAUSCAITE, Free International University of Moldova
Maria VĂTĂMANU, State University of Physical Education and Sport
Zinaida STRATAN, Technical University of Moldova
Rodica AVASILOAIE, Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts
Larisa CIACHIR, Comrat State University from Moldova
Rodica SOBIESKI-CAMERZAN, Academy of Public Administration
Iulia MELNIC, Moldovan State Institute of International Relations
Iurie ŢVIGUNOV, Academy “Stefan cel Mare” of Ministry of Internal Affairs
Angela REPANOVICI, prof., dr., Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
Introduction in Open Access and Open Sources
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Streamed live on
Dinu COVACIU, dr. Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
Transilvania University experience in ASPECKT DSpace
Mioara VONCILĂ, Library Director, “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Romania
Galati University experience in Institutional Repositories, SIPTEH project
Nicolae CONSTANTINESCU, Kosson Community, Romania
OPEN AIRE project presentation
Angela REPANOVICI, prof., dr., Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
Statistics and copyright in Open Access, Digital libraries standards
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Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Streamed live on
Angela REPANOVICI, prof., dr., Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
Institutional repositories and controlled vocabulary for retrieving information through standardized descriptors
Nelly TURCAN, prof., dr., Moldova State University
Open Access Journal, how to apply for inclusion
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Documentary visits
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Friday, July 8, 2016
Streamed live on
Visiting the Library of Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
Angela REPANOVICI, prof., dr., Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
Open Sources in Open Access. Strategic plan to develop one institutional repository, How to develop policies: conclusions. Survey results.
Participants assessment. Summer School Evaluation. Awarding certificates and diplomas
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Saturday, July 9, 2016
Closing Summer School
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The Summer School “Open Access and Open Sources for Librarians” was attended by 29 representatives of 20 institutions from Moldova and Romania. The international forum was broadcast online by Information Society Development Institute (IDSI). Video: 322 views.
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