ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 & ISO/IEC 27001 certified

ISO Certificates

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ISDI aims to become a reference institute in the country’s RDI system, which promotes the use of information society technologies in key areas for the society development. Our activities focus on the research, implementation of projects and information systems for creation, dissemination and use of digital content, in order to increase and enhance the scientific and technological potential of the Republic of Moldova.

We are proud ISDI recertified its integrated management system in January 2024, ensuring compliance with international standards ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO/IEC 27001:2018.

Every process of our business is in accordance with the quality management system of the international standard ISO 9001:2008 "Quality Management System".

Quality management is what companies do to provide products and services in accordance with the requirements of their customers. The confidence of an organization in its ability to deliver "quality" is the basic premise for fruitful cooperation and development.

ISDI quality objectives are:

  • Research in the field of information society development
  • Tools for information society development
  • Increasing the impact and visibility of ISDI
  • Efficient organization for improved competitiveness and stable financial situation

ISO 14001:2005 "Environmental Management Systems" focuses on absolute dedication of the organization to environmental porotection, compliance to legislation and continuous improvement.

ISDI environmental objectives are:

  • Improved waste management;
  • Achieving real environmental performance through effective management of environmental issues and the use of ICT.

One of the most significant benefits of implementing ISO 45001:2018 "Occupational health and safety management system" is a tangible and demonstrable improvement of the occupational health and safety management system plus a high level of control regarding compliance with legislation.

ISDI objectives regarding health and occupational safety are:

  • Developing proactive personnel culture and mentality in terms of job security by giving increased attention to staff training and awareness raising activities regarding the importance of compliance with health and occupational safety;
  • Continuous improvement of working conditions;
  • Preventing accidents and occupational diseases.

Implementing an information security management system in accordance with ISO / IEC 27001:2005 "Information Security Management System" proves to customers, suppliers and employees, that ISDI has a serious attitude towards information security problems and that their information is perfectly safe.

ISDI information security objectives are:

  • Keeping secure the information of customers, suppliers and other stakeholders by maintaining its the confidentiality, integrity and availability.
  • Establishing approaches to information protection within the organization based on best practices gained in this field.

IDSI policy on quality, environmental protection, occupational security and health and information security - available HERE




Last updated:  20-03-2024 19:37:32
Source:   IDSI 

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