ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 & ISO/IEC 27001 certified


28 10/13
Horizon2020 ICT/FET National Contact Points Training

A training for ICT and FET National Contact Points (NCPs) took place on October 23-24, in Brussels. The training focused on new initiatives and opportunities of the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation – HORIZON2020.

24 10/13
13th World Summit of the Nobel Peace Laureates

During October 20 – 23, the responsible of the international relations of the ISDI – Anastasia Stefanita, attended the 13th World Summit of the Nobel Peace Laureates (as well as the Civic Academy organised in its framework). The event was held in Warsaw, Poland (where Anastasia Stefanita is for one academic year with the Lane Kirkland Scholarships Program).

22 10/13
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation: "Georg Forster Research Fellowship" Programme

Every year, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation enables highly-qualified academics from transition and developing countries to spend time in Germany working on research under the "Georg Forster Research Fellowship" Programme. In this way, the Foundation promotes the sharing of knowledge and methods between Germany and the researchers' own countries.

16 09/13
Researchers Night 2013 - simultaneous event in more than 300 European cities

Researchers will be present at Researchers Night in Chisinau, an event that celebrates science and takes place on the 27-th of September.

02 09/13
IDSI joined 2 European Technology Platforms

In august 2013, Information Society Development Institute joined the NESSI and Net!Works European Technology Platforms.

22 08/13
Conference “e-Learning in the European education agenda. The case of Slovakia and Moldova“

Issues related to boosting flexibility of training, introducing European trends aimed at expanding computer-assisted training and increasing efficiency in using digital tools in quality education were the core of the speeches given at the international conference „e-Learning in the European education agenda. The case of Slovakia and Moldova“ which was held on 25 April 2013 in Chisinau.

19 08/13
IIS 2013 - International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems

Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of ASM and Information Society Development Institute invite you to participate in the IIS 2013 – International Conference on Intelligent Information Systems, which will take place on August 20-23, 2013 in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.

01 08/13
ECIS 2014 - 22th European Conference on Information Systems

ECIS 2014: Digital Work, Digital Life  will take place in Tel Aviv, Israel on June 9-11, 2014. 

18 06/13
National Competition NetRiders 2013

Cisco holds annual National and International Competition NetRiders, addressing students and graduates of Cisco Networking Academy Program from EMEA zone, including the Republic of Moldova.

23 05/13
NRENs Users Workshop, Kyiv, Ukraine

The CEENet/CEENGINE NREN Users Workshop or CEEUSER organized on 22nd May, 2013 addressed the prominent research organisations and institutions who are either connected or intend to connect to the respective National Research and Education Networks in Eastern Europe (NRENs).

Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

Biblioteca Municipala B.P. Hasdeu

Asociaţia Bibliotecarilor din Republica Moldova

Biblioteca Nationala a Republicii Moldova