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ICT Proposers' Day 2014

2014-10-27   Accesări: 2296  Vizitatori unici: 1139

The ICT Proposers’ Day 2014, was held in Florence, Italy, on 9-10 October, 2014 and it was organized by the European Commission. The event focused on Horizon 2020 (H2020) - the EU's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for 2014-2020, and emphasized the integration of the ICT theme into the three pillars of the programme: ICT for Excellent science, ICT for Industrial Leadership and ICT for Societal challenges.
Ideal-ist, the network of National Contact Points for ICT research organized a brokerage event with pre-arranged face2face meetings.
For more details:

Categoria: Comunicate de Presă Cuvinte-cheie: Orizont 2020, Ideal-IST 2014, ICT Proposers' Day
Ultima actualizare:  04-11-2014 08:23:45


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