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Seminar de informare FP7 în domeniul Mediului și Energiei


Centrul Proiecte Internationale de comun cu dl dr.VEACESLAV BOLDESCU, Punct National de Contact pentru Mediu si Energie, organizează pe data de 14 iunie, joi, seminare de informare orientativ, privind apelurile Programului Cadru 7 pe temele Energie si Mediu, care vor fi lansate în iulie 2012.

Seminarul pe tema Energie va incepe la ora 14:00 si va avea loc in Sala Mica a ASM, bd. Stefan cel Mare 1, etajul 2.

Seminarul pe tema Mediu va începe la ora 15:00, in Sala Mica a ASM, bd. Stefan cel Mare 1, etajul 2.

Mai jos gasiti tematicile proiectelor, care vor fi prezentate.

Pentru mai multe informatii va puteti adresa Punctului National de Contact pentru temele Energie si Mediu PC7, dr. Veaceslav Boldescu.
Date de contact: tel.: +37379454062 , email: [email protected]


ENERGY.2013.2.1.1: High efficiency c-Si photovoltaics modules
ENERGY 2013.2.3.2: Small to medium size wind turbines
ENERGY.2013.2.4.1: Exploration and assessment of geothermal reservoirs
ENERGY.2013.2.9.2: Methods for the estimation of the Direct Normal Irradiation (DNI)
ENERGY.2013.3.7.1: Support to the sustainable delivery of non-food biomass feedstock at local, regional and pan-European level
ENERGY.2013.4.1.1: Research and development of innovative solar thermal facades
ENERGY.2013.5.2.1: Mitigation and remediation of leakage from geological storage
ENERGY.2013.7.1.1: Development and validation of methods and tools for network integration of distributed renewable resources
ENERGY.2013.7.2.1: Advanced concepts for reliability assessment of the pan-European transmission network
ENERGY.2013.10.1.2: ERA-NET Plus – European wind resources assessment
ENERGY.2013.10.1.4: Mobilising the research, innovation and educational capacities of Europe’s universities


ENV.2013.6.1-2 Atmospheric processes, eco-systems and climate change
ENV.2013.6.1-4 Land cover and land-use change and climate change mitigation
ENV.2013.6.1-6 Economics of adaptation to climate-change
ENV.2013.6.2-1 Water resources management under complex, multi-stressor conditions ENV.2013.6.2-2 Toxicants, environmental pollutants and land and water resources management
ENV.2013.6.2-4 Sustainable land care in Europe
ENV.2013.6.2-5 Urban biodiversity and green infrastructure
ENV.2013.6.2-7 Development of advanced technologies and tools for mapping, diagnosing, protecting and managing cultural landscapes in rural areas
ENV.2013.6.3-1 Turning waste into a resource through innovative technologies, processes and services
ENV.2013.6.3-2 Eco-innovative demonstration projects
ENV.2013.WATER-1 Water efficiency and innovation demonstration projects
ENV.2013.WATER-2 Ensuring the integration of water and innovation demonstration projects and support to trans-national networks of procurers
EeB.ENV.2013.6.3-4 Energy efficient retrofitting and renewal of existing buildings for sustainable urban districts
ENV.2013.6.4-1 Assessing individual exposure to environmental stressors and predicting health outcomes: paving the way for an EU-wide assessment
ENV.2013.6.4-2 Closing gaps of knowledge and reducing exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF)


Categoria: Evenimente Cuvinte-cheie: seminar, Punctul National de Contact pentru temele Energie si Mediu PC7, punct national de contact, ASM, 3D
Ultima actualizare:  12-06-2012 16:56:39

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