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DISCUS Seminar from May 26-27, 2015

2015-06-02   Accesări: 2620  Vizitatori unici: 1194

On 26-27 May in Chisinau took place the second event of the DISCUS project – Discussion on Information Society Building Issues Platform. It was organized a scientific seminar with the topic: ICT solutions for local services (legal regulations). Were received around 35 application forms for participation from local public representatives from various districts of the country. There were invited about 15 speakers from Moldova and Visegrad countries.
The event was attended by approx. 50 people - specialists in various areas: local public servants, representatives of academic sector, central government, civil society, national experts and international experts from Visegrad countries.
The main purpose of the event was to share experience of Visegrad countries in the field of information society with a focus on legal regulations in the field of electronic services including local and taking into consideration the best practices in this area Visegrad countries by the moldovan officials, researchers and national  policy makers. The objective of the seminar was to discuss problems and to identify possible solutions for  legal regulations for local electronic services in Moldova.
The seminar was opened by the representative of the Academy of Sciences - Dr.hab. Veaceslav Ursachi coordinator of Engineering Sciences and Technology Section of ASM. With a word of greeting came the director of Information Society Development Institute -Dr. Igor Cojocaru and Deputy Head of the Department of Information Technology Policies, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology - Andrei Cuşcă. Professor, dr.hab. Anatol Gremalschi, Program director at Public Policy Institute presented the study conducted by the DISCUS experts based on the Ist DISCUS workshop from 17-18 March, which had the topic: ICT-driven local development.
Andrei Cuşcă, Deputy Head of the Department of Information Technology Policies, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology has presented the National Strategy "Digital Moldova 2020" - the basic policy document on development of information society in Moldova.
Igor Cernei, specialist in information technologies, Orhei City Hall presented the case study: Center for Information and Services of Orhei City Hall and the Geographic Information System Orhei. Petru Culeac, Community Mobilization Consultant, USAID Local Government Support Project in Moldova  talked about Development and institutionalization of effective communication with citizens instruments (1.0 WebAPL platform).

The key-speakers of the event were 3 experts from Visegrad countries: dr. Krysztof Atlasiewicz from Poland; Ing. Vladimir Benko - Slovakia; RNDr. Datel Vratislav from Czech Republic.
Krysztof Atlasiewicz  presented useful information and advices for ICT strategic planning by local authorities. Vladimir Benko spoke about the model of open self-government of Presov – systematic and effective building of info services and on the second day of the seminar presented ICT tools for environmental management at local level, issuing several recommendations to Moldova. Vratislav Datel talked about legislation and technical standards in Public Administration.
Eduard Fricăţel, legal consultant and Vlad Manoil, specialist of the Center for Electronic Governance presented the legal framework for Governance Agenda eTransformation, respectively eGovernment platforms implemented for central public authorities and available for reuse by local authorities.
The event ended with a communication about interoperability as an opportunity to modernize local services presented by PhD Mihai Grecu, Head of Laboratory at the Information Society Development Institute.
DISCUS - scientific seminar participants showed interested to the subject of e-services at the local level, focusing on legal regulations, acknowledging the importance of technology in all areas of public life.
According to the final evaluation questionnaires completed by participants of the seminar from May 26-27, the majority were very satisfied or satisfied with the organization of the event. 100% of participants would recommend the seminar to colleagues for participation.
DISCUS project team of the Information Society Development Institute thank all speakers, moderators and participants at the second event DISCUS!

Presentations from the event are available here:
- National Strategy "Digital Moldova 2020" - Deputy Head of the Department of Information Technology Policies, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology
- Prezentation on research study based on findings of the DISCUS workshop from macrh 2015 - dr. hab. Anatol Gremalschi, Program director, Public Policy Institute
- Study case: Center for Information and Services of Orhei City Hall  - Igor Cernei, Orhei
- Develpment and institutionalization of effective communication with citizens instruments - Petru Culeac, consultant mobilizare comunitară, USAID Local Government Support Project in Moldova 
- Interoperability - as an opportunity to modernize local services - Mihai Grecu, Information Society Development Institute
- Open self-government: city Presov - Ing. Vladimir Benko, Slovakia
- ICT tools for environment management for local authorities - Ing. Vladimir Benko, Slovakia
- ICT strategic planning by local authorities - I part - dr. Krysztof Atlasiewicz, Poland
- ICT strategic planning by local authorities - II part - dr. Krysztof Atlasiewicz, Poland
- Legislation and technical standards  - I part - RNDr. Datel Vratislav, Czech Republic
- Legislation and technical standards - II part - RNDr. Datel Vratislav, Czech Republic

Photo gallery from the event!

Categoria: Noutăţi IDSI Cuvinte-cheie: DISCUS
Ultima actualizare:  09-06-2015 09:02:02


Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

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