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2022-07-06   Hits: 621  Unique visitors: 551

On 23 June 2022, the European Council granted candidate status to the Republic of Moldova. This decision is a historic one and it opens a new tab in the modern history of the country. The decision was based, among others, on the answers of the Republic of Moldova to the European Commission Questionnaire on application of our country for membership in the European Union.

The structure and the answers of Moldovan Government from Chapter 25 “Science and Research” were presented in the post Science and research in the questionnaire with questions for the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union (July 4, 2022).

Chapter 25 “Science and Research” also reflected the contribution of the Information Society Development Institute (IDSI) in presenting the radiography of the current situation in the research-development-innovation sector in our country.

In this context, it is worth to mention that during May 30, 2019 – October 31, 2019, IDSI, with the support of the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission, carried out a project Targeted support for entrepreneurial discovery process (EDP) in Moldova. With the participation of IDSI, as part of this project, the workshops were organized in 4 potentially identified niches for the given fields (Energy, Information and Communication Technology, Agriculture and Food Processing, Biomedicine and Biopharmaceuticals), which will contribute to the efficiency of the research process geared to the needs of the national or regional economy. As a result of these workshops, 4 comprehensive reports were developed.

Certainly, this IDSI contribution allowed the following finding in the questionnaire: "should be noted that these areas have had a significant presence in the economic, innovative and scientific potential of the Republic of Moldova, identified by the initial and subsequent mapping, and have been confirmed by the updated mapping in 2021" (p. 21).

  • The questionnaire included several questions that referred to the collection of data on research and development.

IDSI had input on this segment, which aimed at organizing the process of mapping the data ecosystem in the Republic of Moldova, within the DataRevolutionMD project carried out in February 15 – June 15, 2016. IDSI's involvement consisted in a comprehensive assessment of existing data availability at the national level from the perspective of infrastructure, regulatory framework, stakeholders, capacities and to develop recommendations on key actions needed to monitor the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Republic of Moldova in an inclusive and participatory way.

  • One of the questions aimed to highlight the measures taken to increase the quality of public research, noting that several actions have been taken, with significant contribution of IDSI.

a) Implementing the principles of Open Science by ensuring free access to scientific publications and the implementation of digital technologies in all spheres of the research and innovation system;
b) Development of the National Bibliometric Instrument (IBN), which indexes publications in journals, materials of scientific events and international publications of Moldovan authors indexed in prestigious international databases;
c) Carrying out the projects within the call "Offering solutions on promoting the concept of Open Science and the development of digital technologies in the fields of research and innovation";
d) Elaboration of the concept for development of Open Science in the Republic of Moldova (p. 36).

The realization of these activities was possible due to IDSI projects, which allowed the promotion and implementation of the principles of Open Access and Open Science in the Republic of Moldova.

The project for young researchers (2010-2011) Development of the National Bibliometric Instrument, supported by IDSI employees, which managed to become the largest electronic library with Open Access to Moldovan authors articles published in scientific journals, in the proceedings of scientific events (on 06.07.2022 offers access to 156583 scientific publications with Open Access).

Due to the institutional project (2015-2019) Pilot platform for quality assessment and visualization of digital scientific content in the Republic of Moldova were expanded the possibilities of access to digital scientific content in the Republic of Moldova, functional possibilities of IBN, and was created the platform Ș – one-stop service for science and innovation information from the Republic of Moldova.

Within this project, the first national conference “Open Science in the Republic of Moldova” has been organized, which served as an impulsion for promoting the principles and practices of Open Science in our country, being approved the Declaration on Open Science in the Republic of Moldova.

In the call "Offering solutions on promoting the concept of Open Science and the development of digital technologies in the fields of research and innovation" (2021-2022) IDSI won two projects aimed on developing open source software and online tools for disseminating scientific results from strategic research and innovation priorities, and strengthening the policy framework for Open Science in Moldova.

The Project 21.70105.40SD Boosting engagement of the Republic of Moldova in Open Science: methodological and applied support provides scientific and practical support to authorities and institutions for the implementation of the concept of Open Science, and develops a conceptual framework for promoting Open Science at national and institutional level, and for the implementation of the provisions of Open Science and the dissemination of international experiences and good practices the models of national and institutional documents will be developed.

By the Project 21.70105.39SD Online platform for recording, monitoring and reporting of scientific events in Republic of Moldova was developed Online platform "Scientific events in the Republic of Moldova" which is a public information resource, created to ensure access to truthful and complete information on events / scientific events held in the country.

The Activity Plan of the Ministry of Education and Research for 2022 provides for the elaboration of the concept of the strategic document on Open Science in the Republic of Moldova, the responsibility has been delegated to the Information Society Development Institute.

Several answers to the questionnaire mention the need for access to research infrastructure, as well as the fact that the Republic of Moldova has initiated the process of elaboration of the National Roadmap for the Development of Research Infrastructure as an integral part of the National Programme in the fields of research and innovation for the years 2024-2027.

It is noteworthy that in 2021 IDSI carried out the project Mapping of the research infrastructure in the Republic of Moldova which was part of the actions undertaken by the National Roadmap for the integration of the Republic of Moldova in the European Research Area for 2019-2021 and the Action Plan on its implementation.

Thus, the projects carried out by IDSI, as well as other actions undertaken during the last decade managed to become a support for the integration of the Republic of Moldova in the EU, being reflected in the Questionnaire sent to the European Commission for accession to the European Union.


Category: Noutăţi IDSI Tags: UE, IDSI
Last updated:  15-07-2022 16:57:32
Source:    IDSI


Academia de Ştiinţe a Moldovei

Biblioteca Municipala B.P. Hasdeu

Asociaţia Bibliotecarilor din Republica Moldova

Biblioteca Nationala a Republicii Moldova