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Boosting engagement of the Republic of Moldova in Open Science: methodological and applied support

Hits: 244  Unique visitors: 170

Code: 21.70105.40ȘD
Duration: 2021-2022
Proiect manager: dr. hab., university professor Nelly Țurcan
Project keywords: Open Science, science policy, Open Access, institutional policies, scientometrics.

Project abstract:
















Given the importance of the Open Science (OS), the provisions of the National Plans, first of all the National Roadmap for the integration of the Republic of Moldova in the European Research Area for 2019-2021 - GD 1081/2018, the National Program in Research and Innovation for 2020-2023 - GD 381/2019 and the international commitments of the Republic of Moldova (RM), especially those stipulated in the Association Agreement to the European Union (chapters 18 and 24), we intend to carry out a series of research activities that would serve as a scientific and methodological support for an open, responsible and sustainable national research. The research aims at concrete and measurable objectives, based on the previous experience of the Information Society Development Institute (IDSI), the developed IT tools, the nationally and internationally recognized competence of the project team. The planned activities will focus on:

  • Establishing the current situation of Open Science in the Republic of Moldova in terms of initiatives, the existing national framework and international good practices;
  • Development of a conceptual framework for the promotion of Open Science at national and institutional level;
  • Providing a scientific-practical support to the authorities and institutions for the implementation of the Open Science concept.

Through the results obtained in the project, the research team aims to contribute to eliminating differences between different disciplines and institutions, between different actors and organizations on the concept of Open Science, as well as to provide methodological and applied support in implementing institutional and national policies on Open Science.

Taking into account the intense international concerns for SD development, as well as the national and international visibility of IDSI, there are all opportunities for the planned activities to be further developed and deepened in international collaborations with impact on Moldova's integration into the European Research Area.



Project conclusions:































To advocate the strengthening of the national framework of Open Science, the support of science and open research, a series of actions focused on:
  • Establishing the current situation of Open Science in the Republic of Moldova through the prism of initiatives, the existing national framework, and international good practices;
  • Development of a conceptual framework for the promotion of Open Science at the national and institutional level;
  • Providing scientific-practical support to the authorities and institutions for the implementation of the Open Science concept.

Four analytical studies were carried out regarding the development of the regulatory framework as well as the implementation of Open Science practices at the national and institutional levels in the Republic of Moldova. These analytical studies served as a basis for the development of draught documents and recommendations for the institutions and organisations in the field of CDI in the Republic of Moldova:

Two recommendations for research organisations have been worked out because of these analyses, which direct organisations and institutions in creating the policy framework for Open Science and research data management:

By conducting these studies, contributions were made to the Ministry of Education and Research's policy document for the development of the Concept of the Strategic Document for Open Science in the Republic of Moldova until the year 2030, within the framework of institutional funding (Project).

The important social impact of this project was the extensive and complex dissemination of the project outcomes through the organisation of two workshops:

Implementation of institutional Open Science policies; FAIR principles in the management of research data, as well as national scientific conferences Open Science in the Republic of Moldova (2nd edition). At the same time, knowledge exchange and opinion sessions on national policies and institutional strategies relevant to open science were held at two regional universities. The workshops on Strengthening regional capacities in the implementation of research data management practises were organised at “Alecu Russo” State University from Balti and “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” State University from Cahul.

The project's socio-economic impact is further demonstrated by the wide use of the results by many stakeholders. Hence, there were 5230 accesses and 241 downloads of the works published in the conference proceedings that were part of the project (on 26.03.2023).
In addition, the information about the project's findings and the practises of Open Science in the EU and the Republic of Moldova were made available to the scientific community through:

  • Presentation of 22 communications at various scientific forums: conferences, seminars, round tables;
  • Publication of two articles in the international scientific journals and publication 10 articles and abstracts in conference materials.

Publication in international scientific journals (Web of Science) and participation in scientific conferences abroad, in conjunction with the analysis of Open Science practices in different countries, contribute to increasing the capacities and opportunities to continue research in international scientific projects.
The project has contributed to the training of researchers by hiring 4 PhD students and persons who independently prepare PhD theses, and the PhD students and competitors are authors in half of the project's publications.



Last updated:  25-04-2023 14:38:59
Source:    IDSI

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